We’ve heard people jokingly say that 2020 was the longest year of their lives, seemingly having 52 months instead of 52 weeks. Did it feel that way to you, too? Well, we assure you that even 2020 had purpose… so much of it that remains to be revealed.
So now we are blessed with another fresh new year. It’s always our aim to make the most of the new year by leaving behind the thoughts and behaviors that we wish to eliminate and reaching for the higher version of ourselves that will strengthen us as individuals, as a married couple, and as a family.
A funny thing happened as we were reflecting on behaviors that we’d like to shift as it relates to our marriage and family life. We realized that our list was much shorter than in years past because 2020 forced us to shift! In so many ways…
During this pandemic, many of us have had to streamline our lives… mandated quarantines, virtual school and work, extra activities halted…
· We spent more time together as a couple.
· From March onward, we ate almost every meal together as a family.
· We had more time for exercise to become consistent, and often did it together.
· We made more time for consistent therapy sessions, exploring ways to grow as individuals and in our marriage.
· We scaled back on our spending… except that grocery bill, of course!
· Neighborhood walks and bike riding as a family became some of our favorite activities.
These were some of the things we’ve aimed for, for years, but never seemed to have time. Never really made time. But now that we’ve experienced life in this manner, we definitely want to carry much of this forward.
How about you? Before things “return to normal” in 2021, be intentional about not overwhelming life as it was before. Choose the things that matter.
Married couples, what are some ways you connected? Whether by intention or default?
Families… from our engagement with you, many of you spent more time together around the dinner table and/or engaged in family activities. Which of these behaviors will you fight to hold on to?
May your 2021 be filled with joy and blessings. Happy New Year!
With Love,
The Houstons