Fresh Pain

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Like many others, our hearts continue to break as we take in the tragic events of recent weeks. Although injustices in our society are not new, the fresh reminders bring fresh pain as we face harsh realities of hatred, anger, and fear.

One of the reasons we began this platform, Living Life with the Houstons, was as a form of activism. We hope that our multicultural audience realizes that our family is not unique from any other family in that we desire to have a healthy and strong marriage and family. We want for our kids the same thing that any other family wants for their kids. Our marriage faces the same challenges that other marriages face. It’s not a cliché, we really are more similar than we are different. The differences and diversity that do exist among us should be used for learning and support, not fear and hatred. We pray that we live to see a time when that truly exists.

This moment is difficult. Although we are discouraged, we are still not without hope. We are hopeful that if enough of us brave through the difficulty of uncomfortable conversations, and sharing our collective stories, we will continue to break down barriers. That’s what we’re trying do. We thank you so much for taking this journey with us.

Parenting Resource!!

Navigating conversations about race and racism can be challenging for some parents. This is one of our favorite articles that shares wisdom with parents about how to talk about race with our children. Read it HERE.

We welcome your feedback. Feel free to comment below.